Donations go toward selected Blue Wolf students so they will be able to attend the 2024 I.W.K.A. Isshinryu World Karate Championship


For donations of $50, you will receive a Blue Wolf Pen

For donations of $100, you will receive a Blue Wolf Pen and Team T-Shirt

For donations of $150, you will receive a Blue Wolf Pen, Team Shirt, and Team Sponsor Mug


If we hit our goal of raising $4,500 by July 1st, Blue Wolf Martial Arts will be able to cover the following for each student…

  • Seminar with Grand Master Kichiro Shimabuku, 10th dan

    • Kichiro Shimabuku is the son of the founder of Isshinryu Karate, Tatsuo Shimabuku

    • He is the current head of the Isshinryu World Karate Association (I.W.K.A.)

    • He is traveling from 8,000 miles away

  • Tournament Events

  • Team Jacket

  • Banquet Dinner